Arabesque Records Presents
5 new CD’s being released this year - already available on Amazon and other sites!
Arabesque Records label in New York has signed Louis and released a recording of the two Chopin piano concertos. They have also recently released the recording of Mozart’s piano concertos KV413, 414 & 415. Upcoming performances and recordings by Page will include the 26 Chopin preludes, Liszt sonata in b minor, a collection of Schumann’s most beloved grand piano suites – namely Papillons, Carnival Jest in Venice and Carnaval and Russian masterworks including Prokofiev’s sonata no. 8, pictures at an Exhibition by Mussorgsky and Scriabin’s Piano sonata no. 5 (Poem Ecstasy), Rachmaninov concertos nos. 2 and 3 and Tchaikovsky’s concerto no. 1, in addition to further solo repertoire.

Chopin Concertos
26 Preludes (Chopin)
Piano Sonata in B minor (Liszt)
Schumann The Masterworks
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's piano concertos KV 413, 414 and 415